First, let's find out what a toxic person means. This term appeared in Russian speech from the English language. However, the origin of the word "toxic" has Latin roots. In any case, toxic in its direct meaning is poisonous, intoxicating. This is usually how life-threatening things are characterized. For example, toxic gas or liquid.
The figurative meaning of the word "toxic" implies some negativity, i.e. something harmful. We often hear the phrases "toxic relationships" and "toxic environment", on an intuitive level they become clear to everyone.
Usually, when we talk about a person's toxicity, we mean their negative characteristics. This could be one sharply negative trait or manner of communication, but most often it is a whole set of qualities. For example, tactlessness, snobbery, aggressiveness, a craving for manipulation, hypocrisy, etc.
So, what does a toxic person mean - someone who has bright, sharply negative qualities and is not ashamed of them. The word "toxic" itself a priori cannot be positive.
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02 Who are toxic people - how to identify and what to do
how to identify a toxic person
Not everyone understands who toxic people are. Because quite recently society started talking about personal boundaries, mental health and psychological comfort. Instead of calling a person toxic, it was usually just about a difficult character. This definition softens the true state of affairs too much. It puts the emphasis on the owner of the character and shows that it can be difficult for others to be with him. In fact, the word "toxic" best reflects the whole essence of a negative personality, because he really has the power to "poison" others.
Toxic people are not always unhappy. On the contrary, most of them may not notice this characteristic in themselves. And they can unnoticeably ruin the lives of those around them for years and even decades.
In order to avoid being influenced, you should know who toxic people are. Getting rid of such people in your environment is a way to take care of yourself . In addition, you need to understand why you should be wary of them.